Friday, May 20, 2011

Bolivia Romance and Dating Guide

Lets face it dating and romance is a big part of travelling so...
No dating scene in bolivia?
Well i have consulted Coleina (the previous love guide writer)  on this and she has told me the dating scene for gringas in Bolivia is a wasteland. It is certainly true that Bolivian people have the worst reputation for looks on the continent, but is this true? There is as i discovered a strain of beautiful women in Bolivia that all seem to live in the same areas and are all too willing to shed their international reputation as ugly and sexless...

So to cut a long story short...somehow I ended up  in Potosi playing spin the bottle with 3 bolivian girls a Canadian and a Danish guy, there were certainly more teeth than people on the bolivian side and I was praying for the bottle to land on my Danish travel buddy, his long blonde hair and nice straight teeth were looking more and more appealing by the second and the beard he was sporting was now just a minor issue. The bottles circles began to slow and then it came to a halt between the Dane and one of the girls "spin again" I begged. But no, my fate was decided, luckily I was spared and just a peck on the lips was my only punishment. We left the bar after a few more nerve jangling spins and I wondered if I would ever find my Bolivian babe.

I begged for the bottle to be spun again.
I had heard rumours of beauties in Santa Cruz but by the time I got wind of that I was in La Paz and the "linda latinas" that I imagined while in the rat race in London seemed a million miles away, I then started to learn Spanish and my teacher told me of some places in the rich neighbourhood in La Paz that a filled with hot girls who are ready to shed the ugly Bolivian image.  The rich are rich in la paz, there is for example; a golf course that costs $20,000 a year to join (average salary in Bolivia is $2500 P.A) and huge houses with SUVs parked outside. It really is  a strange neighbourhood, full of TV stars, company owners and even the odd ex-pat and criminal.

Soundbar La Paz

One night i agreed to go with my teacher to an exclusive club in the rich area, the club was called Soundbar and is in the upscale residential area of Calacoto in La Paz, and honest truth this club has the best looking women i have ever seen in my life. Everyone here is clearly very wealth and with drinks costing $10 - $20 its expensive for westerners too. The decor and lights are very trendy and the mood is dark and atmospheric.

Incredible Women in Bolivia

 I soon became the centre of attention for a group of bolivian girls some of which put most Latinas to shame and even had a full deck of teeth that made mine look like the black keys on a piano. I managed to avoid buying them any drinks due to the fact I only had a scrunched up 50 Boliviano note in my pocket. I exchanged numbers and arranged to meet one of them the following week, she was a TV executives daughter and we dated for a few days but then sadly Peru was calling me like a siren and I had to leave the city.

 For women there is not much of a dating scene in Bolivia, perhaps someone could comment on their own experiences? For men on the face of it there is not much going on nevertheless nice girls can be found in some of the mainstream clubs like mongos and even blu house, well, once in a blue moon (excuse the pun) but anyone going to La Paz should experience Sounbar, above all its a great nightclub with awesome music and visuals, but also offers the chance to meet some stunning women.

Karl Sheedy

Karl Sheedy has been a backpacker for 3 years and spent 1 year in South America from 2009-2010. He is from Wales and spent some time working in the Point Lima. His views and opinions are not necessarily those held by the Point.


  1. Bolivia doesn't have an international reputation of ugly girls! That is stupid. All you need to do is look at Raquel Welch who got most of her looks from her bolivian father. Also there are a lot of other beautiful bolivian models in Northern Virginia which is the state with the most Bolivians in the US.

  2. Actually, sadly Bolivian girls do tend to have that type of reputation.. and Raquel Welch, as attractive as she might have been, is just one example and does not prove the rule.

    By the way, just an interesting point - the girl in the photo above is actually COLOMBIAN! She is Camila Davalos, her sister Mariana Davalos isn't half bad either.

    1. Not true!!, the girl in the pic is named Dominique Peltier de Liota and she is in fact Bolivian.

  3. There are a ton more examples! The Bolivian exodus or immigration of people to the US is tiny compared to the mass immigration of Colombians and Brazilians. There is not much representation in the US. Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina have the highest rates of bulimia, anorexia, self esteem and body issues, and the highest rates of plastic surgery in the world. Bolivian girls are more natural and more into natural foods and natural way of life and most cannot afford plastic surgery. Your COLOMBIAN EXAMPLE OF CAMILA DAVALOS is great but she does not compare to the beautiful bolivian women I have seen. Besides that she looks photoshopped and surgically enhanced which Colombian women are known for.

    Examples of BEAUTIFUL BOLIVIAN women below (the first 2 I know personally): — at Lima Restaurant and Lounge.

    morenada video

    soon to be governor of BENI bolivia, 22 yr old model appointed by Evo Morales

    One need only search morenada in oruro where thousands of bolivian women dance to find the most beautiful in bolivia. And these cannot be subsituted by women of colombia or other countries. So yes for the CLOSEMINDED who go to countries for sex tourism (cough thailand cough colombia) are disappointed when women with morals are not impressed by white tourists and don't sleep with them right away. But hey that is only because bolivian women especially in La Paz have morals, are decent, and are wife material and you cannot compare that to women who come from countries who have nothing to offer but sex tourism.

  4. more everyday bolivian women

  5. They're beautiful and rich in culture too.

    They always show the poor areas especially in movies and documentaries.

    Colombians get lots of plastic surgery its true..but dont hate man

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