The Point Lima - 2013

Founded in 2002 the Point Lima was the original party hostel in Lima, 9 years later it is still the hostel of choice for those looking to have fun and meet backpackers in Lima. Far from just a party hostel the hostel has a relaxing garden, quality restaurant and super comfy TV and Film room. The hostel prides itself on being a friendly, fun, comfortable, clean and safe hostel. Situated in Barranco close to the ocean, the hostel is perfectly located near to the restaurants and bars of trendy Barranco.

The Point Lima

 1 Sole and 5 minutes on a bus gets you to Miraflores where you can enjoy all the attractions of a big city such as the Cinema and Casino and perfect hangover food like KFC and Burger King. If you choose to party with us then after drinks at our lively bar entrance is free into the best clubs in Lima.

Dorm rooms Lima

Our new bathrooms
Pool anyone?

Experience Limas famous nightlife with us: Entry is free into the best clubs in Lima with us every night we go out!! Save up to $10 a night! We have Edwin our very own Nightlife Guide.

Entry is free with us!
Wild times in the hostel bar
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